


Cupffee and Costco Mexico: a Delicious Step Towards Sustainability

09 Feb 2024

Cupffee and Costco Mexico: a Delicious Step Towards Sustainability


Cupffee is proud to announce its entry into the vibrant Mexican market through a strategic partnership with Costco Mexico, which marks a significant milestone in our global mission for sustainability. As we bring our edible coffee cups to 20 Costco locations in mid February, we’re not only entering a new market but also introducing a transformative way to enjoy coffee.

A Partnership Rooted in Sustainability

Costco Mexico’s dedication to quality and sustainable practices aligns perfectly with Cupffee’s mission to transform disposable coffee culture and reduce global waste. This collaboration extends beyond business, championing a shift in consumer habits towards more eco-friendly alternatives. Together, we’re demonstrating that sustainability can be deliciously integrated into our daily lives without compromise.

Elevating the Consumer Experience

The heart of this partnership is to elevate the coffee-drinking experience. Cupffee’s edible cups, crafted from seven natural ingredients, promise an innovative twist to the traditional coffee ritual blending taste, sustainability, and convenience. As these edible cups hit the aisles, they’ll be accompanied by in-store promo teams offering product tastings and educating customers about making eco-friendly choices.

Influencers Stirring the Eco-Conversation

To ensure the message of sustainability resonates with every sip, prominent Mexican influencers like @lasenoradecostco and will share the eco-benefits of Cupffee with their extensive followers to spark curiosity and inspire change within the community. Their involvement is expected to stir a buzz that goes beyond the aisles of Costco, driving a nationwide conversation about sustainability and responsible consumption.

Costco Mexico Leads with Taste and Responsibility

The introduction of Cupffee edible cups to Costco stores in Mexico sets an example for the environmental responsibility of leading retailers to embrace sustainable products. This launch is more than a new product introduction; it’s the beginning of a shift in how we think about our daily coffee ritual and its impact on the planet.

Join the Green Revolution

As we introduce Cupffee to the Mexican market, we’re welcoming Cosco customers to join the green revolution because every choice counts and can contribute to a greener world. So, next time you’re in Costco Mexico, pick up a Cupffee, and take a crunchy step towards a waste-free future.

Together with Costco Mexico, we’re not just changing how we drink coffee, we’re taking a stand for our planet, one Cupffee at a time.

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